How Does a Cell Phone Sanitizer Work?

Most sanitizers use ultraviolet to combat germs. A UV phone cleaner starts working either automatically or after you press a button that sets off disinfection. A small UV lamp inside the device affects and destroys the bacteria’s DNA. The lamp turns off 5-6 minutes later, and you can remove your phone from the device. Some products charge the phone simultaneously with UV treatment. It’s crucial to follow the user’s guide when it comes to sanitizing devices as they emit special radiation (the wavelength is 253 nm) that cannot be used to dry nail polish or to tan as they will cause a burn!

UV lamps of various power are used to clean water and have proven their effectiveness at the industrial level. However, it is much harder to attest to the quality of portable sanitizers. In general, ultraviolet is supposed to kill germs, but does a particular gadget work properly or is the invisible cleaning a simple illusion?

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