
Do UV phone sanitizers really work?

PhoneMust sterilizer is a disinfector that quickly kills the pathogen on the phone. UV phone sanitizer can kill germs & bacteria in only 6 minutes. So it protects safe use and people’s health. When you don’t use it, you can stop working directly. Therefore, it will not harmful to the human body. Moreover, this kind of UV phone cleaner dosen’t generate ozone. So it will not damage the phone. It is can also used as face mask sterilizer. This steriliser box can disinfect the disposable masks, N95 masks, KN95 masks,etc. So you can reuse the mask.

This PhoneMust phone sanitizer case uses built-in double UV bulbs for disinfection. We know that ultraviolet light technology is often used in hospital sterilization. It destroys the DNA structure of microorganisms by ultraviolet radiation. It let the bacteria die immediately, thus achieving the purpose of sterilization. Medical research has found that the UV germicidal effect is still very good so far. The bacteria that it can kill mainly include Escherichia coli, influenza virus, botulinum, streptococcus, H1N1 virus, etc.

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